Help! I Don't Know What To Post Or Tweet!

Are you experiencing a case of social media writer’s block? It’s not uncommon.Often, chamber of commerce social media doesn’t get updated because those responsible for the updating don’t know what they should be saying.What you need to remember is that your chamber of commerce social media platforms are simply an extension of the rest of your communications program.And, the great thing about social media is that by following your feeds or liking your pages, your members have expressed their interest in hearing what you have to say.We recommend developing a monthly editorial calendar to help you engage and inform your members and to ensure that you have quality content even if you are experiencing a case of social media writer’s block.Think about what are you are already communicating in your chamber newsletters, at your events or when you see your members face-to-face.

Social Media Content Ideas For Chambers Of Commerce

What do you want members to know about their chamber membership? What economic development or advocacy successes do you have to report? How can you use your platform to promote your members or volunteers?You might create a weekly small business tip or perhaps a weekly “make the most of your membership” tip.Introduce your new members to your Facebook fans with a photo and a business description. Recognize volunteers. When members have good news, spread the word by sharing their content on your platform.These are all opportunities to engage and inform your loyal following.One word of caution – go easy on event promotion! Sure, it’s easy content, and yes, it probably helps remind members of an upcoming event. But if most of your content is event-oriented, members and prospects are going to get the impression that events are all you do. And if they don’t have time to attend events (you’ve heard that before, right?), they may start to question the value of their memberships.Social media is the perfect place to promote the real work of your chamber, take advantage of the opportunity it presents!


Yes, Your Chamber Of Commerce Website Needs To Be Mobile Friendly


What Do You Mean I Can't Use It? I Found It On The Internet.